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Step 8: Preparing for a Session

Preparation makes you ready, overprepared stops you

Preparing for Session 1+ is a crucial step in ensuring a successful and engaging game. As a Game Master, it's important to review and prepare thoroughly to keep the game flowing smoothly and keep the players engaged. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a great session.

Firstly, review your notes and potential outcomes for the session. Then prepare your session template to train ChatGPT on your upcoming session using the DM Assistant. By doing this it will allow you to quickly produce content that you did not prepare.  Next, think through the different scenarios that the PC's may encounter.  For each scenario leverage ChatGPT and Midjourney to create vivid descriptions of the locations, NPCs, dialog, interesting artifacts like books, paintings, or other interesting objects, or situations. This will help the players to immerse themselves in the game world. Go to Midjourney and create images that support this upcoming session. Document all of this in OneNote under the current session number.

Blog: DM Assistant: Creating a ChatGPT Session Template: A Must-Have Tool for DMs >>

Below is a OneNote Page about a PC.

Review your PC's backgrounds for your dungeons and dragons campaign

Secondly, it's important to have a strong start to the session. Consider using a powerful hook or a cliffhanger from the last session, to get the players right back into the action. A strong start can help to grab the players' attention and set the tone for the rest of the session.


Check out these blogs for strong starts:


Check out an example dialog between a waitress and a PC.

Writing dialog between your NPC's and PC's.

Thirdly, be an active listener during the session. Allow the players to guide the game, listen to their ideas, and adjust the situation, NPCs, and story accordingly. This will help to keep the game interactive and engaging for the players.

Fourthly, trust in the content you've prepared. Don't be afraid to improvise if the players take the game in an unexpected direction. However, be sure to stay true to the core of the story and world that you've built, and maintain consistency with the established rules and settings.

Fifthly, know your NPC’s, get in their heads and understand what motivates them, do they have any special ticks, speech patterns, or equipment that would make them stand out. What information do they have that the characters may want, or be surprised to learn?

Lastly, take the time to understand how your players like to play. Are they a Power Gamer, Dice Junky, Plotter, Role-player or are they casual? Take the time to understand the types of players you have and adjust your play style and games around the different styles. The goal being, how do your players like to have fun. Also, ensure that everyone is on the same page by discussing any special rules or house rules you'll be using in your game. Allow the players to ask questions, run through the game process, and even run a mock battle if necessary. This will help to make sure everyone is comfortable and familiar with the rules and mechanics of the game.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to run an engaging and exciting game that will keep your players coming back for more.

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